
Make Your Videos Stand Out

Did you know that 85% of social media videos are played on mute?

Auto-generated Subtitles
Auto-translated Captions
Progress bar

Translate video to English, Spanish, German, Indonesian, Russian, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese and more than 60 languages in minutes.

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Add auto-generated subtitles in minutes
Producing content takes sweat. But if you are spending all your resources marketing it in your native language only, you are missing out on large set of potential customers. 55% of consumers prefer to make purchases in their native languages. People who don't speak your language, and would prefer consuming content in their local languages like French, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Hindi, Indonesian, Italian etc are less likely to buy in your language content.
Add auto-generated subtitles in minutes
85% of users prefer watching content on mute. Remember, those loo breaks, or lunch breaks watching videos on silent. If there is no subtitles you are likely gonna move onto next video. Adding transcription will significantly reduce video drop offs and improve engagement.
Add subtitles in 30+ languages, translate to 60+ languages
Auto subtitle
Once you uplaod a video, subtitles are automatically generated using AI. 85% users watch videos on mute. Adding subtitles will result in users watching full video. Subtitles can be generated in multiple different languages.
Add & Style Text
Add Heading on top of video, and style it. Put multiple texts anywhere on your video. You can edit, style and position the subtitles in minutes
Add Text & Heading
Add Progress Bar
Add Progress Bar
A progress bar will be automatically added to the video.
Resize Video
You can resize the video to 1:1, 9:16, 16:9, 4:5 dimensions suited for different social media platforms easily.
Resize Video
Translate Video
Translate Video Subtitles
Auto translate video to more than 60 languages, in minutes