
How to Subtitle in Arabic 2021, Free & No Watermark

Accurate A.I. subtitles for videos in 60+ languages. Quick & Free.

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Subtitle your video in Arabic, and 60 other languages, with Turtleclip. Transcribe, translate, caption, add text, progress bar in minutes. Then export subtitles to .srt, and export open captioned videos. All takes is a few minutes

Our AI quickly adds subtitle in Arabic. Or you can even translate subtitles to Arabic in minutes.

How to add Arabic subtitles?

1. Upload

Go to turtleclip and upload your Arabic video.

2. Transcribe

Arabic Subtitles will be auto-generated in minutes. To generate subtitles in other languages like English, Spanish, German, Chinese & more, click on 'translate'.

3. Download

Click 'Create'. And done. Transcription will be embeded in videos. Apart from that, you will get the .srt file containing the subtitles that can be used for closed captioning.

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