
Add captions to instagram videos in minutes - free (with no watermark) 2021

Add subtitles & text to video to increase your customer base.

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85% of viewers watch videos without turning the sound on. Videos without captions lead to higher drop rates leading to lower user engagement. Adding captions makes it easy for users to consume the video content increasing the video completion rates.

You can resize your videos to different aspect ratios, suitable for different media platforms.

add subtitles

How to add captions & subtitles to instagram video?

1. Upload

Upload your video to turtleclip.

2. Select Language

Select the language of the audio.
Captions will be auto-generated in minutes

3. Edit

Correct captions for errors in the text editor.

4. Style

Style and position the captions.

5. Download

Export the video. And Done!

You get a watermark free captioned video in minutes.

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