
Translate zoom video, any language

Online video auto translation, quickly, free, no watermark

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Gain new viewers by easily adding translated captions to your zoom video. For that matter, any video. If a lot of your viewers doesn't speak the language that of your video content, it is highly likely that they will not watch that video. Increasing your bounce rate, leading to poor video engagement and viewership. Adding translated subtitles will significantly decrease the drop off rate, reaching a wider and global audience with minimal effort.

Translate the zoom video online, easily, without having to download ‘another’ software. For online zoom video translation, just upload it, and click on 'translate' to auto generate translated subtitles. You can translate the video to spanish, english, french, german, and more languages in minutes.

How video translation works?

1. Upload

Upload your video to turtleclip.

2. Translate

Subtitles will be auto-generated in minutes. Once done, click on 'translate' to generate subtitles in English, Spanish, German, Chinese and more

3. Download

Export the video. And Done! You get a translated video in minutes.

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